Course Description:
Specific terminology, expressions and sentences used in in-bound business; making travel arrangements, giving information on accommodation and transportation, describing tourist attractions, traditions and culture.

Course Description:
Introduction to airline business; terminology, expressions and sentences used in airline business, ticketing, ground services, in-flight services, airport and in-flight announcements 

Course description:
This course is a survey of English literature from Middle English to the Romantic Period, emphasis overall on the Elizabethan and Romantic periods, relating the influences of each period to its literary achievements. A short sample of all major authors - Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Milton, Pope, Dryden, Wordsworth; Coleridge, will be studied. 

Course Description:
Basic terminology and expressions used in tourism industry; types and functions of tourism industry; pictures and factors overall related to tourism industry at local and international levels

Course Description:  
Concentration on short story, nonfiction, drama, poetry, and the novel (novella) since 1930’s; a variety of cultures, genders, races, and writing styles with emphasis on the importance of class discussions, written assignments and vocabulary developments.